Hello, my name is Mory, I am the father of three daughters who were all serious thumb suckers. After years of thumb sucking which resulted in thumb sores and potential teeth damage, my daughters expressed a desire to quit. I think they realized it was embarrassing and inappropriate for their age, but it was a habit and hard to quit! I tried everything to try to help them from Tabasco, socks over their hand, even bribery. I looked into alternative devices costing up to $500, but could have cause physical or even mental harm. This is when I came up with the idea of the Thumbusters!
Thumbusters is a glove-like device made from Lycra that covers the thumb and is attached by a Velcro band around the wrist. All three of my girls took to Thumbusters better than I had expected. The product worked great on the girls because rather than punishing them, it empowered them to quit thumb sucking on their own! Thumbusters is recommended for children ages 5-12 who want to stop thumb sucking but need a little reminder at difficult times such as bedtime, while watching T.V. or even at school!
This blog will provide news, information, updates and advice on how to stop that thumb-sucking habit.